We now want to have a closer look on how far politicans in Texas influence the school system and how they persuate young voters. Since political campaigns in schools are much more popular in the U.S as they are in Germany, we could find hundreds of U.S. politicans to use as example.s Therefore I want to focus on Ron Paul in this post.
Dr. Ron Paul is a Republican Congressman for the 14th congressional district of Texas and run for President of the United States in 1988 and 2008. He stands for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies. He is known among his congressional colleagues for his consistent voting record. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution.
He also thinks there should not be any federal control over education and education should be handled at a local and state level, Parents should have the right to spend their money on the school or method of schooling they think is appropriate for their children.
On November 14, 2008 Ron Paul said in a New York Times interview:
“First, the Constitution does not authorize the Department of Education, and the founders never envisioned the federal government dictating those education policies.
Second, it is a huge bureaucracy that squanders our money. We send billions of dollars to Washington and get back less than we sent. The money would be much better off left in states and local communities rather than being squandered in Washington.
Finally, I think that the smallest level of government possible best performs education. Teachers, parents, and local community leaders should be making decisions about exactly how our children should be taught, not Washington bureaucrats.
The Department of Education has given us No Child Left Behind, massive unfunded mandates, indoctrination, and in come cases, forced medication of our children with psychotropic drugs. We should get rid of all of that and get those choices back in the hands of the people.”
During his candidacy in 2008 there were several rallys and political campaigns throughout Texas. The following video shows Ron Paul visiting a college student in his dorm room:
For more information on Ron Paul you can visit the following website or watch the following video:
Ron Paul also is pro homeschooling and against public schools. What is your opinion on that topic?
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