Montag, 12. Juli 2010

NRW election 2010 - program for youth and education - challenge of the German school system

In this blog post I focus on the program for youth and education of different parties in relation to NRW’s elections. You will get a quick overview of the desired changes in the German school system…

CDU: The CDU wants to demagnify classes by 2015. The numbers of students reduce because of the demographic change. The party stands for individual advancement for children in the kindergarten and more full-time-schools. The members want to keep the “Hauptschule” and the tripartite school system.

FDP: Education is a key factor for the election. Education is civil right, that's why NRW should be education country number one by 2015. The FDP also stands for more individual advancement and full-time-schools. They prefer a public school ranking because competition makes quality.

SPD: A slogan of the SPD says: “Best education for everyone”. The party wants to abolish “Kopfnoten” in schools. Daycare facility for children should be free of charge. Student fees have to be abolished promptly. The favorite school model is: 6 years primary school in the sense of a community school.

Grüne: Die Grüne want to have a new school system like the SPD with a full-time-school so that the students learn longer together. "Kopfnoten" will be abolished. The schools themselves can decide if the abitur can be passed after 8 or 9 years.

Linke: Die Linke wants to introduce a community school of 10 years. Daycare facility for children and education at universities should be free of charge. Collective ethics lessons should become a required subject at school and religious education an optional subject.

Piratenpartei: There should be free access to information and education. They say that an investment in education is an investment in the future. The party is against education fees and against “Kopfnoten”.

Conclusion: Most parties prefer full-time-schools and community schools in which children learn together for a longer time than in today’s primary schools. Education is a civil right which must guarantee to enter schools and universities free of charge. Evaluations of students’ behavior are rather subjective and unjustified. The main aim of the favored change of the German school system is an intensive individual advancement for every student.

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